Another Red Chair?

I suppose one red chair inspires another…

This was a cute little find that I’d held onto for a long time, not sure what exactly to do with it. For a while, I used it as a plant holder, but that grew tiresome. Then I hung it as a decorative ornament on my back porch, but that was just a bit weird. Then one day it hit me. Hearts. Red. Paint chair red.

The girl who bought this red chair, Vanna, is starting her business as a children’s photographer, and bought it to use as a prop! She referred to it as “one of those great Craigslist finds.” That comment went straight to my heart (pun intended), and made me feel all warm and fuzzy. She was very sweet, and if you have a child, I recommend contacting her. You can check out her work on her Facebook page. She’ll work within your budget and come up with great ideas and occasions for photographing your child!

Also, my brain is not only permeated by red chairs, but also by the song Red Shoes. Check it out in case you too have red on the brain. 🙂

This was an easy job by the way. I smoothed out the wood with some sandpaper, and then used some red paint I already had, and that was all she wrote. Or painted.